The Steel Detailer DSTV CNC Export
The Steel Detailer exports DSTV CNC NC1 files from SOLIDWORKS® using The Steel Detailer DSTV CNC Exporter which is a standalone application.
- SOLIDWORKS 2016® Standard or Above
- The Steel Detailer 2016
- The Steel Detailer Weldment Profiles
Important Information
- You are NOT able to use previous projects parts or multi-body parts using this application without it being modeled using The Steel Detailer. The information about the section or plate such as the quantity and size come from The Steel Detailers Database. The section must be a locked section and must be filed by default when using TSD in the right file locations.
- The Steel Detailer DSTV CNC Exporter only produces NC1 Files for components and not welded members.
- By default Part Marking is applied and can be modified by changing the Marks face, position and font size.
- Custom Properties can be used as Part Marks rather than using The Steel Detailers' standard default naming convention.
- Part positional scribing is not supported.
- Curved sections are not supported.

The Steel Detailer is able to export to an NC1 file the following sections.


Taper Flanged I-Beams


Tapered Flanged Channels

PFC - Parallel Flanged Channels

SHS - Square Hollow Sections
RHS - Rectangular Hollow Sections

EA- Equal Angles
UA - Unequal Angles

The Steel Detailer is CURRENTLY NOT able to export to an NC1 file the following sections.


Round Bars

Square Bars

CHS - Circular Hollow Sections

Non Standard Unusual Sections
Features that are not currently supported

Counter Sunk holes are currently not supported. Full through holes are.

Full depth flange cuts will place the top or bottom flanges into 2 or more surfaces depending on the amount cuts. This cut type is not supported.
Example File Download
The below example files are for each country and do not include all sections. Please feel free to test and if you need more, please send us an email outlining your requirements at
United Kingdom
Need to find out more information
If you have found the DSTV example above does not work with your machine and would like it to work.
Please feel free to send us an email. Tell us your DSTV CNC machine and supply us an example, we will free of charge make any necesary changes to our exporter to make it work for you.