WBS MANAGER - "Work Breakdown Structure"
Projects are broken
into areas and are treated accordingly.
For example a Project
where there are multiple areas like a mine site. Primary Crushing Station as an
area and then a conveyor as an area and so forth.
This allows users to
work in different areas without interfering with each other.
When selecting the
Project Number first, a list of existing areas are shown.
Simply Select Add/Modify/Delete to update the list.
After you have
created the WBS, Log into the Project and Area refer Loging into a Project
This will create a New Area Assembly eg. 9999-AA.SLADASM
The Steel Detailer
requires the project to be broken down into areas or Work Breakdown Structures.
For example a
building project may be broken into floors and grids.
A project consists of
4 Project Numbers and then the WBS Codes.
is the Project Number and AA is the WBS.
The Letters give
26x26 Different WBS areas.
● Using this function on the Menu Bar click TSDProjects as
shown below, then select the Icon
● Alternately use the button
located on the Command Manager Tool Bar under TSDProjects tab as
shown below.
Click this link to go to the TSDProjects Toolbar TSDProjects ToolBar